Adam Running with Market + Root (Courtesy:
Saturday, January 29, 2011 by tech-lemonade
After the latest update by, I can say adam has become a much better tablet to hold. Even though there is a FC on the Eden UI once in a while, the frequency is much low.
I was able to install many apps and test them. Surprisingly, I didn't find Google maps, Facebook app, Twitter app in market. I had to extract apk from my HTC Desire and then run it on Adam. But I must say after that Adam is a great device.
I tried couple of VOIP apps as well.
1. SIPDroid - Worked fine with configuration but the call could not be diverted to speaker. It only worked with a headphone. The mic seems to be a good one as I was able to hold it normally and was able to speak.
2. Fring - Worked great with SIP configuration. Call output could be diverted to speaker and call quality was great on wifi and 3g.
Few applications extracted from phone only worked in portrait mode (They don't switch to landscape mode). This was mainly seen in config/settings screens in few applications.
Having no widgets is a shame in the eden UI. But I guess the idea is to have a Panels instead of Widgets. May be someone can make a Panel app which can work as a place holder for multiple widgets. That would become a must have on adam the moment it's developed.
Google goggles seem to close after couple of seconds with no use. Need to find from other adam users, if anyone else experienced the same. (This was also not available on market and had to extract from phone, so it could be a problem with the apk as well)
Few other applications that worked fine:
1. ES File manager and ES Task manager
2. Astro File Manager
3. Facebook (Official android app)
4. Google Skymap
5. Google maps v5+
6. Google Earth
7. Robo Defense
8. Twitter (Official Android app)
9. Yotube App
10. WhatsApp
11. Winamp
12. Wordup
13. Google Latitude
14. GPS Status
15. Free Running
16. Dolphin Browser
17. Benchmark Pi - After Submitting the score was placed 600+ in the rankings. Not a bad score for stock ROM.
18. Air Control Lite (Had problems with audio)
19. Chrome to phone
20. Dolphin Browser
21. Adobe Flash 10.1
22. Parleys Client
23. Wikitude
Apps related to Netherlands:
1. 9292ov pro (For public transport users)
2. Trein Tijden Lite (Much quicker app compared to the official NS app)
3. Appie van Albert Heijn
4. Saldo app from ABNAMRO
If anyone has any app that needs to be tested, you can contact me through comments on this post and I will try to test it on adam.
PS: After the update from NotioninkHacks for the market access, I was getting the following error when I tried to setup Google account.
"Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server"
If any of you encounter the problem, it could most likely be solved by using the Youtube app to configure google account and then launching market.
Big thanks to team Notioninkhacks for all their support in resolving this issue.
Couple of benchmark results:
1. Neocore - 48.5 fps
2. Quadrant score - 2175
I was able to install many apps and test them. Surprisingly, I didn't find Google maps, Facebook app, Twitter app in market. I had to extract apk from my HTC Desire and then run it on Adam. But I must say after that Adam is a great device.
I tried couple of VOIP apps as well.
1. SIPDroid - Worked fine with configuration but the call could not be diverted to speaker. It only worked with a headphone. The mic seems to be a good one as I was able to hold it normally and was able to speak.
2. Fring - Worked great with SIP configuration. Call output could be diverted to speaker and call quality was great on wifi and 3g.
Few applications extracted from phone only worked in portrait mode (They don't switch to landscape mode). This was mainly seen in config/settings screens in few applications.
Having no widgets is a shame in the eden UI. But I guess the idea is to have a Panels instead of Widgets. May be someone can make a Panel app which can work as a place holder for multiple widgets. That would become a must have on adam the moment it's developed.
Google goggles seem to close after couple of seconds with no use. Need to find from other adam users, if anyone else experienced the same. (This was also not available on market and had to extract from phone, so it could be a problem with the apk as well)
Few other applications that worked fine:
1. ES File manager and ES Task manager
2. Astro File Manager
3. Facebook (Official android app)
4. Google Skymap
5. Google maps v5+
6. Google Earth
7. Robo Defense
8. Twitter (Official Android app)
9. Yotube App
10. WhatsApp
11. Winamp
12. Wordup
13. Google Latitude
14. GPS Status
15. Free Running
16. Dolphin Browser
17. Benchmark Pi - After Submitting the score was placed 600+ in the rankings. Not a bad score for stock ROM.
18. Air Control Lite (Had problems with audio)
19. Chrome to phone
20. Dolphin Browser
21. Adobe Flash 10.1
22. Parleys Client
23. Wikitude
Apps related to Netherlands:
1. 9292ov pro (For public transport users)
2. Trein Tijden Lite (Much quicker app compared to the official NS app)
3. Appie van Albert Heijn
4. Saldo app from ABNAMRO
If anyone has any app that needs to be tested, you can contact me through comments on this post and I will try to test it on adam.
PS: After the update from NotioninkHacks for the market access, I was getting the following error when I tried to setup Google account.
"Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server"
If any of you encounter the problem, it could most likely be solved by using the Youtube app to configure google account and then launching market.
Big thanks to team Notioninkhacks for all their support in resolving this issue.
Couple of benchmark results:
1. Neocore - 48.5 fps
2. Quadrant score - 2175
Could you try testing some PSX4DROID roms and the application itself? Hopefully some videos of it running FF7 and some others?
Also could you maybe try some other benchmark apps like neocore, quadrant, 3dmarkmobile?
Thanks for the information!
Finally, what is your battery life like under typical and high usage?
mate.. Good I did not visit you this week-end.. You had a some great time with your Adam.. Cant help but be envious of you.. ;)
@Flaunt - Quickly checked couple of benchmarks.
Neocore - 48.5 fps
Quadrant score - 2175
Thank you so much for a quick reply. Interesting results.
Wonder how fast these scores will go up with more development
@Flaunt - Do you know of any good screen capture tool in android (For both images and videos)? I tried a few in adam, but none of them were able to capture. Most of them captured a black image.
let me see if I can find a couple
you can use
it has a list of apps -
but the best way is using ANDROID SDK
it has a program DDMS -- that will cap screens
Here is a you tube video that sets up video screen cap on android device using the SDK
(thats not me or anything btw)