Update NIP20140211

New update from Notion Ink for all the adam variants with few bug fixes.

This time the process is much more simple compared to the previous time. A simple "Update Adam" from Settings and adam does everything for you.

Few noticeable changes (minor ones as most of the major changes are already covered by Greg in his post.

1. The startup screen showing the notionink logo is now changed to white background with black text "notionink".
2. The notification bar icon in the upper left corner does not have the black background any more and does not flash.
3. Update removed Android market from the list of apps, but still kept the other apps intact. Will try the NIH market update tomorrow.
4. Once you have updated the build number would be NIP20140211 for PQ + 3G. I assume this is different for each variant. The mail from notion ink did mention four different build numbers to start this update on. So that gives an impression that each variant uses a different build number.

Adam - New Update (NIP20040211) and Update 1.03 from NotionInkHacks

Time for another update

I was very happy that the update process this time was more stable and more tested. The update process itself with instructions has been posted by NotionInkFan, NotionInkHacks, etc. The fact I am happy about is that NotionInk mailed all adam owners that a new update is available with detailed instructions and a good summary of changes included in the update. This is a major step in the right direction. Of course this might not be new or innovative but it dos show that team NI has put in a real effort to overcome the short comings. Rohan and team should be appreciated for this move.

The update itself for fairly simple to install. The manual does provide all the necessary steps.

The important part is that after the update adam feels much better. There are not much force close like before. The Eden UI (Panels) seems more responsive and quick.

Next obvious step was to look for Root + Market and as always friends at NotionInkHacks had update 1.03 ready. Tried it immediately and the update was quick and simple. (Hardly took couple of minutes)

Reboot and there it is android market. Also the google account setup in the market worked with no problems. (In the earlier updates it was difficult to configure and sometimes needed a work around with youtube app)

Updates about some apps:

1. Tried Tango for video calls - The audio call itself works great. When I switch to video, within couple of seconds the call gets disconnected. Have reported this to support at NI.

2. Tried couple of benchmarks like Neocore and Quadrant. No major improvements/degradations noticed. Didn't expect any improvements in this area.

More updates to come tomorrow.